Goose salami delivered free of charge Montreal
Touist at Picadilly
Public conveniences
Couple contemplating Life
All things for sale. Ingersoll, Ont
Bills Grocery, Montreal.
Franks Place
CAR05_Horse Hound and Min, UK Series, 2002
In your friends shadow
Leaning on a cane. Port Arthure 1972.
PublicConveniences THe Cotswolds
Hotel Europe, Vancouver BC
Playing the Sax at teh Bay, Victoria BC 6504
Explaining kickboxing
Wholesome white bread from Shaw Bakery, Thunder Bay
Crowds at St Peters
Teatro Eliseo
Waiting for a light in Rome.
Getting a boost in Havana
Mother and child -upper apartment. Havana
Dude with nice shirt
Playing in Havana
The Cur
Sunday afternoon dominos
Walking in Havana
The spiral staircase Havana
Prairie Hotel
Grapes ready for processing Chianti N2037
Bringin the grapes. Tuscany
Grapes ready for processing Chianti N2040
Taking the grandkids for a walk, San Gimignano, Tuscany. E2103
Taking the grandkids for a walk
Church SIena N2325
Loading the urn in Tuscany
Final inspection of the grapes, Tuscany Chianti area.
On a skateboard
Accordian Player. Perth WA
Waiting on a Bench.
Feeding the horses
Deal on a Massey Harris
Falling down. MOMA
Crusiing in Moosimin
AC DC Colour TV
Peters Food Bar
Having an Export
Coiffeurs pour Homes Montreal
Portrait studio Montreal in the seventies
Crossing the street-St Germaine Paris
Clothing store Paris
The accordion player
Watching girls at a playground
Lunch on the Seine
Seafish stand Paris
Walking under the Metro-Rue De Caliboni
La Coq Rico Paris
Moiline Rouge Montmartre
Nap in Amsterdam with dog
Oxford. Examinations
Cleaning the street
Steps up from Martim Moniz
Women with bike. Alfama streets
Shopping in Merida
Walking to the Mequita_ Cordoba Calle Cespedes
Cuesta del Perro Alta Granada
Flamingo night in Granda
Looking at a Gjuitar Cuesta de Gomérez Granda
Gentleman in Sevilla
The color of Sevilla
Strolling on Calle San Eloy Sevilla
iberian Ham
Stairs to condo in Lagos
Watching a bylaw officer harras a street musician